Wednesday, April 6, 2022


I read the story of Samuel and David this morning in 1 Samuel 16. After the disobedience of King Saul, God sent Samuel to search and anoint the next King of Israel, and the LORD directed him to the family of Jesse. (By the way, Jesse's grandparents were Ruth and Boaz!) When the sons of Jesse were brought before Samuel, the first son, Eliab, had the outward appearance of what Samuel saw as "King Material." He must have looked good and must have been taller than his brothers. Maybe he even sounded like a King in the making! But the LORD spoke to Samuel and made a great declaration: "The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart." (1 Sam. 16:7)
As you know, the story moves on and none of Jesse's sons, who were present, became King. The one who was not present was later selected - David, the youngest, whom his father didn't even think to present him to Samuel. However, the LORD knew the person He wanted. He was looking for the right fit. And the young man, who had a huge heart that sought after the things of God more than anything else, was selected.
Think on this for a moment: Sometimes we get caught up in the "outward" things of other people - height, looks, speech, ability to sway the crowd, connections, etc. I'm not saying that God doesn't use these traits...He does! However, there is one true component that reigns supreme in the eyes of God when He is looking for those to use: A Heart that desires what He desires - a Heart after God!
May the LORD find us as He found David in the field tending the family flock...those after God's own heart!



padre said...

Gets to the heart of the issue. Fluff & activities are not what’s required. 🔥

padre said...

Spot on. Fluff & activities aren’t His top focus. 🔥