Last time I talked to you about keeping your body moving and I hope you took the opportunity to “Talk It Out” and to “Listen Up” (see previous post) while you Got up; Got out; and Got your body moving!
Keeping your body moving has some difficulties, but keeping your spirit high is even harder…but you “CAN DO” it! How does one stay “UP” in a “DOWN” world? I’m glad you asked that question!
It all starts with the mind. I learned a saying some years ago and it goes like this: “What goes into the mind goes down into the heart and comes out in the life.” What you put in your mind is what is going to come out of your mouth and shape your lifestyle! Remember “GIGO”: Garbage In, Garbage Out? That is true for computers and it is also true for humanity.
Those “spirit downers” in your life had to come from somewhere. I would suggest they entered your mind through your eyes and ears…what you saw or read, and what you heard. Let’s turn ourselves around (Hokey Pokey) and take charge of everything that goes into our minds. Also, let’s make great choices as to how we respond to the world, and the people, around us.
You actually have more control of your responses than you think. Have you and your spouse ever been in a “discussion” and the phone rings? I bet you answered it like everything in your world was going great! All of us have done this. The control was there because we made a quick choice.
Try choosing these “uppers” over the next few days to keep your spirits high:
1) Turn off the negative. The media regularly pumps “bad news” into our ears and eyes 24/7/365. Limit your exposure.
2) Observe your friends. Which friends of yours are constantly negative? Limit your exposure.
3) Fill your mind. If what goes into our minds comes out in our speech and lifestyle, then start inputting positive things. Maximize your exposure.
Begin with memorizing Scripture. Here is a good verse to start on: Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.(Philippians 4:8) Find yourself some motivational messages, podcasts, speeches, training seminars, etc. from people like Zig Ziglar and John Maxwell. You can’t go wrong with these speakers.
4) Express thanks. A thankful heart is a happy heart and a happy heart is a thankful heart! Develop the “attitude of gratitude” and learn to express thanksgiving. If we will pause and reflect, we find things to be grateful for. That breath you just took…these words you just read…that meal you recently ate…that ability you used this week at work or you can see, there are things to be thankful for. Maximize your exposure.
CHALLENGE: Take the next 7 days and practice only ONE of the items listed above. Then, the next week, continue that choice while adding a second. Within a month, you will be a totally different person. And I can’t wait to hear the changes that have been made in you!
I am here for you! Feel free to comment below about your progress! We are in this journey together!
Get Up! Get Out! Get Moving! Get Your Spirits High!
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