Friday, July 17, 2020


Many of us work our days with a “To Do” list. For me, it gives me direction because I have a hard time with focus (squirrel), so need I say more? LOL 


Anyway, back on track here; My “To Do” list makes me feel more productive, especially when I get to draw a line through a completed task, or place a check-mark in the column beside it. I also receive direction as to what is and what isn’t important for that day or week. 


Some days my list has things that had been put off and they just needed to be completed so my mind would no longer have to dwell on them. Yep, that’s called Procrastination! At times, I am a great master of the “P” word! Other days, I seem to be more on top of things with a great desire to “knock ‘em out” and so I turn on the productive rockets and blast right through them! On those days, and weeks, I feel really good about what I have accomplished. 


Then there are those days when I need to create a “To Don’t” list and work hard on that one as well. As a “To Do” list produces things to accomplish, a “To Don’t” list reduces things that don’t need accomplishing! 


Allow me to illustrate this and I will relate it to our personal lives, not our work lives. Perhaps if we practiced, in our personal lives, the following “To Do” and “To Don’t” lists, maybe our work lives would become more productive. 


So, here we go: 


To Do

Daily Quiet Time with Bible and prayer

Breathe slow and deep         




Refresh your spirit                


To Don’t




Be easily angered


Become stressed


I love the saying of Jesus to the stressed-out people of His time:


Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out…? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Matthew 11:28-30 THE MESSAGE


That is a “To Do” list worth accomplishing this weekend!


Sunday, July 5, 2020



I know it is hard to believe, but this Year called “2020” is halfway finished! Of course, the last few months have been a blur because of COVID-19! This Virus has made all of us rethink and redo a lot of things. Many priorities have shifted, hopefully to the better. 

This Year began, as most years, with lots of dreams and expectations. Many of those have been laid aside for the time being. BUT, what if we picked those back up? What would happen if we re-dreamed those dreams and moved forward in pursuit of them for the remainder of the year? What would your life look like at the end of December 2020? I think, if we stepped back into and leaned into those dreams and goals, we would all be better individuals than we are right now! 

So, here is my Mid-Year Challenge: GET STARTED AGAIN! Set a couple of goals to accomplish over the next six months. Do monthly check-ups to see your progress. Let’s strive to enter into 2021 as better men and women! Speaking of GETTING STARTED AGAIN, pick that Bible back up and read it everyday, and add a little bit of praying as well. Maybe start reading the Book of Proverbs to gain some great Wisdom. Read one chapter a day that corresponds with the date of the day. Today is the 6th of July so read Proverbs 6. Tomorrow read chapter 7, and so on throughout the month! 

I would love to hear what you wisdom and instruction you gained from your reading. Text me on the My Chaplain App,  email me, call me, or drop a note on my Chaplain FaceBook page, Chaplain Joel Walker!

Have a great, wise, and safe week and I am praying for you!